Description of the place
The quality of our object are four alleys professional bowling alley. Our bowling alley is equipped with the specialist equipment produced by the American company of AMF providing the bowling alley with devices all over the world.
Our equipment belongs to the most modern in Europe. The alleys, bowlings, skittles, machines for placing skittles and system of calculating and depicting scored points AMF-BOSS NT are the best of our equipment.
Our alleys have installed extreme system. It is bowling at the ultraviolet light, with the rhythmical music in the background. We have a professional machine for the lubrication paths of alleys which is able to provide the game on the very high level.
We have an expert who will give our guests the professional advice about rules of a game as well as will show how correctly to play, for persons which only are beginning the bowling.
It is an excellent place to play, rivalry and improvement the efficiency in bowling for everyone.